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Step Bench is for my Dog to get onto bed |
3. Cool washcloth to wipe off face or place on forehead
4. Bed Buddy (1 for neck and shoulders and 1 pr for feet for microwave, and a few homemade rice packs)
5. Warm fuzzy socks
6. Warm, loose fitting, comfortable
fleece pajamas (or men’s over sized fleece separates-the baggier the better)
7.*1-2 bottles of water for bedside
table (I can tolerate water at room temperature better and keep nearby at all
8.*7-up at room temperature (room
temperature settles better if I need to take w/saltines so I keep one nearby at
all times)
9. Ziploc bag w/straws for 7-up
10.*Abortive Medication on bedside
table (Imitrex injector pen kit w/refill, alcohol swabs, Migranal Nasal Spray
w/portable O2 tank nearby)
11. *AYR nasal gel packaged in small
Ziploc bag w/Q-Tips for use w/O2 to keep nasal passages moist
12.*Backup Medication on bedside table
(Indocin and Fioricet-experimenting w/herbal Hylands Homeopathic Migraine
Headache Relief Tablets)
13. *Anti-Nausea Meds (Zofran)
14. *Sea Bands for nausea
15. *Organic all-natural peppermints
16. *A pkg of saltines (in 2 large
Ziploc bags (to keep from going stale faster)
17. Notepad on bedside table to
document medication w/ 2 pens and 1 pencil
18. Post-it notes for spur of the
moment thoughts or to-do’s
19. **Box of Kleenex
20. **IPod loaded with soothing
meditation music w/comfortable aftermarket ear buds
21. **Over sized eye mask to block out
22. **Package of ear plugs to use when
IPod not in use
23. Electric Fleece Throw (under
comforter on top of blankets and sheets)
24. Extra pillows
25. *Essential Lemon Oil (for use on
temples only-massage in and on tender points on scalp)
26. *Small package of hand wipes
27. Small bedside lamp w/dimmer
setting or switch
28. Small flashlight to use in middle
of night to get medications and document on notepad as to not turn on any
29. Picture on bedside table-family
members, friends, or scenic to comfort and focus or meditate on (I change
randomly depending on mood)
30. A lined waste can (Just in case)
31. Nightlight in bathroom so you do
NOT have to turn any overhead or bathroom lights on
32. Cell-phone w/ringer off (we have
no land line)
33. Timex watch w/Indi-glow face
(emits a soft glow to tell time to write down medication doses so no need for
lamp or blaring screen on cell-phone)
34. My glasses (of which without them
I am totally blind as a bat when it comes to reading)
35. *Un-scented lip balm for dry lips
(seem to get extra dry during a migraine attack and if using O2 w/Migranal)
37. Heavenly Acupressure MAT & PILLOW Combo (got this off of Amazon as
well. I use it on the bed as the floor is too uncomfortable)
38. I try to make sure that I remember to post my re-usable laminated "Do Not Disturb" sign on my front door so that no-one rings the doorbell and sets the dogs howling and barking!
39. My bible and Journal if I feel up
to trying to read a scripture bookmarked for inspiration and my Journal to
write down something positive for gratitude to focus on positives and not
40. And last but not least, my most
important Migraine Med-my little cuddly dog Paco who snuggles and
keeps a watchful eye over me when I’m ill.
*(I keep most small items in a small basket on my bedside table in an
organized layout and what doesn’t fit **I have on my little cove on the
headboard, all easily accessible. The only things I need to get up and get is
the ice packs in the kitchen and re-heat my heat pads in the microwave)
Thank God they were not that frequent
but after a few years Imitrex came out and I went to see my family MD. I was
officially diagnosed with Migraines and when I got my RX filled I about had a
heart attack as this was a new medication, not yet covered and had to pay full
price for 9 pills and it was an ungodly amount of money-almost $200.00 at that
time! But by then I learned to add to my arsenal Ice packs for my head and neck
as they seemed to favor one side of my head it was a challenge to keep the ice
pack in one place. So I moved to the bedroom and tried to make that a refuge.
When we designed the house I made sure that the only bedroom window was facing
North, so no direct sunlight would come through and that side is mostly in the
shade, but any light is agonizing. The bedroom was still too light so I got
room darkening curtains and tried to make due. Then I got soft over sized eye
mask and that seemed to work. I used an ace bandage to try to keep the
over sized ice pack in place, but that was a hassle when it was time to swap out
ice packs when the one I was using melted and I needed a fresh one. Plus sometimes I got it either too tight or
too loose. I cleared all nick knacks
off my side table to keep meds handy and a glass of water. Then later on to
keep a notebook to keep track of when I took my meds and what the pain level
was-I started keeping a pain diary of sorts,
and also a small lamp that was adjustable in brightness in 3 clicks-from
low on the 1st click to too bright on the 3rd click. I
know have a handy organizer tray on my bedside table to keep almost everything
I need in one spot.
Then I painted the bedroom a soothing
dark blue, the curtains a dark blue and I installed room darkening shades to
cover the windows, and I call it my little cave-my sanctuary. I have a dark
blue comforter bed set and when the bedroom door is shut and the shades and
curtains closed it’s nice and dark. At
first I liked the room cooler and had a small fan on the floor for white noise.
I searched online and found ice packs that would form to the head but it was a
narrow one, but I got it anyway figuring it was better than nothing. Then later
on I connected with a fellow migraine sufferer and she sent me a skull freezer
cap! Kathy has been amazing and I will not share her full name but that we met
when she posted on Migraine.com which I have followed for a few years. I don’t
know what I would have done without Migraine.com! If it were not for a post by Dr. Marcus on Fibromyalgia I would not have known I had a lot of the symptoms-in which I was just recently tested and diagnosed w/FM and CFS.
If my migraine lets up some to where I
can semi-function I will get out my laptop or tablet and connect online to get
a pep-talk of sorts. But that is only when I’m up to it because sometimes, well
most of the time, when I get online I don’t know how to cut it short. I start
seeing topics or conversations and I get carried away. Or I think of something
I want to search about and before you know it I have a lot of pages bookmarked
that I have to check out later when I’m functioning better. I try really hard to
keep technology out of the bedroom as it’s suppose to be a sanctuary, but once
in a while I break my rule. That is something I’m working on really hard. I
have to admit last week I did really well and I did not take them into the room
with me, so I’m making some progress there. But this is how I survive my
Migraine episodes. Some of these I picked up on my own by trial and error, some
from blogging with others on Migraine.com and from other bloggers.
I hope I have something in my “Kit” and “survival
tactic operations” that might help someone else. This is how I stack and
prepare my safe zone as I call it-to feel like my sanctuary to ride out the storms
and have most of what I need at fingertip reach. Looking into a very small
freezer for bedside, but not very practical at this point, but my ice packs
would be a lot closer-not that it kills me to go to kitchen except if the
lights are too bright. We have a skylight in the kitchen ceiling-that was a bad
idea-and a lot of sun comes through it.
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