Methylprednisolone Recall Could Impact Migraine Treatment
Oh my God. I cannot help but feel in some small way that maybe there was a divine intervention going on in my life here. In July I was pressuring my Neurologist, who is in South Bend Indiana, to perform an Occipital Nerve Block on me because I was starting to give up hope and getting really depressed and feeling at the end of the rope because my current therapy was not working. By the end of July I was hospitalized and when I was discharged I was put under new medication and under different therapy and coping skills and then I saw my neurolgist again who then realized how desperate and hopeless I had become but he was hesitant on the nerve block and was putting it off and wanted to try other alternatives and talked me into saving that as a very last resort. He talked me into waiting for my new insurance to that takes effect the beginning of Nov and see if it covers Botox to give that another try and he prescribed me oxygen therapy and Sprix and Remeron along with Amitrityline. I feel a little more hopeful but I'm so glad now he stalled and didn't do the nerve block. I feel I dodged a bullet with that and I'm glad he had the sense to be hesitant and feel it was not rigth at the time. It's amazing sometimes how things work themselves out. I feel so sorry for those that suffered and those that passed away. That can never be made up for. Such a shame. I feel for those families and loved ones left behind. It reminds you that you can never take any treatment or drug lightly, that there is always a risk-even if it's a medicine you've taken before like a triptan-there is always a risk and you pray to God it will never happen but you just never know.
I still like to think in some small way that it was God or maybe my Guardian Angel keeping watch over me. Others may think of it a different way, but I prefer to think of it this way.
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